Ngoc Nau Mentorship Awards recipient

Portrait Ngoc Nau
Ritual object 6
Ngoc Naus video installation 6 imaged by NTU CCA Singapore


  • Moving Narratives


  • Video Art
  • Visual Art


  • Viet Nam

Ngoc Nau is a new media artist based in Hanoi, Viet Nam. Throughout her wide range of research topics and fields, Ngoc mixes observations with life experiences and imagination. Some of the artist’s main early inspirations come from philosophical ideas about the cosmology in Buddhism and the structure of light coming from physical theories. Ngoc is also interested in the development of new technologies that have the power to change people’s view on the world. Starting from a macro perspective, she gradually moves to a micro level using real stories of daily life to find ways to build connections between the larger system and her own community. 

Ngoc has presented works at Documenta 15 via Sa Sa Art Projects collective, ArtBasel Hong Kong (2023), ThaiLand Biennale (2021), and Singapore Biennale (2019), among others.